
Politics & Media
Mar 27, 2024, 07:25AM

Seeds of Moscow Horror Planted in the United States

Sports fans at large events and church attendees in older generations know it only takes one gun-wielding crackpot.

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Mass shootings, whether in Moscow or Mall USA, get under the skin because we know it could happen any day, anywhere, to our loved ones. Second only to car wrecks, it’s the primal fear of many parents and grandparents. Those, for example, who have children or grandchildren in elementary schools, teens in high schools, and young adults in taverns, worry each day that a mentally-ill wasteoid, narcissistic incel, or sexually-confused cast-off will take lives that mean everything to them. Sports fans at large events and church attendees in older generations know it only takes one gun-wielding crackpot.

The discussion in the wake of domestic mass shootings always turns to the culpability of guns, as if confiscating the firearms of law-abiding citizens will stop the unhinged and malevolent from wanton murder. It’s the mental cases, and either proactively or in retrospect, their familial accomplices, who must be held accountable. Circumventing justice, if there ever is any justice, these mass killers often die of self-inflicted wounds or law enforcement gunfire. Meanwhile, the Democratic left’s destructive commitment to restorative justice floods society with criminals whose cases have been leniently adjudicated.

Terrorism is a different threat, as displayed last week in a Moscow concert hall. Ideological enmities that exist between the two countries aside, the human spirit lowers under a dark cloud of empathy for relatives and friends who had to bury the dead. Here in the United States, the possibility of terrorist attacks has risen in the three-plus years since the loathsome Biden Regime came to power. Galvanized by the motivation to destroy the country as founded as a free republic, due to obsessions with race and social justice, the apparatus behind the hollow man in the Oval Office is flooding the borders, both Southern, and now Northern, with unvetted illegal aliens, an alarming number of who are from countries inimical to our country. As reported across media, even by so-called legacy media, that’s part of the nexus seeking to end America as we know it and foment a world government, thousands of known terrorists, and many undocumented adult men with no family ties, have infiltrated through Biden’s collapsed lines of former sovereign demarcation.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the Moscow concert attack. Experts have no reason to doubt the claim, especially when considering the suspects described in this Washington Post account. The Kremlin has released “intelligence” that implicates possible Ukrainian terror operatives in the attack.

The Post report is harrowing, the grief of the Russian families palpable. It’s worth a sobering read. While perusing the details, it’s instructive to consider two certifiable facts. During his term in office, Donald Trump finished a job Barack Obama started in in 2014, by defeating the existing ISIS caliphate festering in Syria in a matter of weeks. During Joe Biden’s term in office, his anti-American administration has rendered the United States virtually borderless, and flooded the country with the seeds of terrorist horror.


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